[root@master ~]# kubectl top node
error: metrics not available yet
[root@master ~]# kubectl top pod
W0414 13:34:35.193688 13720 top_pod.go:266] Metrics not available for pod default/centos-758b7556f5-542wl, age: 299h19m20.193680607s
error: Metrics not available for pod default/centos-758b7556f5-542wl, age: 299h19m20.193680607s
查看metrics-server pod 日志
[root@master ~]# kubectl -n kube-system logs metrics-server-58c885686f-nlp25
E0414 05:34:32.752194 1 reststorage.go:135] unable to fetch node metrics for node "node1": no metrics known for node
E0414 05:34:32.752208 1 reststorage.go:135] unable to fetch node metrics for node "master": no metrics known for node
E0414 05:34:35.186237 1 reststorage.go:160] unable to fetch pod metrics for pod default/tomtest-86f7667d85-hxnzl: no metrics known for pod
E0414 05:34:35.186247 1 reststorage.go:160] unable to fetch pod metrics for pod default/centos-758b7556f5-542wl: no metrics known for pod
All endpoints are GET endpoints, rooted at /apis/metrics/v1alpha1/. There won't be support for the other REST methods.
The list of supported endpoints:
/nodes - all node metrics; type []NodeMetrics
/nodes/{node} - metrics for a specified node; type NodeMetrics
/namespaces/{namespace}/pods - all pod metrics within namespace with support for all-namespaces; type []PodMetrics
/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{pod} - metrics for a specified pod; type PodMetrics
The following query parameters are supported:
labelSelector - restrict the list of returned objects by labels (list endpoints only)